HOPN is a prayer movement that is transforming the heavens of a region and beyond. The world around us is moved and changed by the spiritual world. The heavens change and the earth follows. Father God invites us partner with Jesus the intercession to contend for the kingdom of God on earth. This looks like righteousness (wrong things made right), peace (mankind getting right with God), and joy in Holy Spirit (overwhelming brilliance of Jesus’ presence).

Northumbria covers the region from the Scottish borders all the way down to the Humber river. It’s a land that is saturated in spiritual history with moves of Gods’ Spirit. It is our conviction that God wants the whole flock (all people), the whole region (all it’s infrastructure) filled with Jesus’ presence. It’s a great dream and one that we get to realise together.

We can not host HOPN alone and if you would like to partner financially regularly or as a one off gift please email office@hopn.uk and we will send you the necessary details. Thank you for your partnership in the movement and we share together in the heavenly rewards.

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